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People talk about products, services, hobbies, even things they're about to do, things they want, or want to do - every single day on their social media accounts.  What if anytime anyone ever said something in their social media account, that you could help with or offer them was immediately and automatically responded back to them in real-time with a link back to your site or your phone number?  We monitor and listen to a specific set of keywords that match your ideal client/visitor.  No matter how big or small.  There has never been a faster way to gain more real-time leads and traffic from interested buyers or visitors in what it is you have to offer than this.  This doesn't require pay per click, seo or link building.  Though those services do work over periods of time, this service is an immediate way to gain more sales, signups and clients.  It's fast, it's relevant and it all happens in real-time.



Our service allows us to automatically message users who have specific keywords in their own online messages/texts/timelines.

For example if you had the keyword bitcoin in our list of words to look for being talked about in real-time and someone tweeted "I'm excited for Bitcoin to go back up" then our service would automatically send a message to this user saying something like "@user Hi Darren, I'm excited too! I have a site where I talk about this as well, check it out (YOUR LINK/PHONE NUMBER HERE)". 

Our service allows us to automatically message users who have relevant keywords in their own online messages/texts/timelines in real-time.



This is where the magic happens, in real-time we monitor social media accounts for your specified keywords that we'll help you tweak and decide which are the best to get in contact with your ideal client/visitor.  

Once our program detects/picks up on that word or phrase or sentence, our program goes out and immediately sends them a message leading them to a phone number, website address, whatever it is you want.  This is ideal for any industry, real estate, medical, industrial, personal.

The more specific we get with the keywords to listen for, the more traffic you'll get in real-time - the SAME DAY we begin.

The Below Link Will Open A New Page As To Why It Is Absolutely Critical To Respond To Social Signals ASAP.  I Wish I Could Make This Up For More Sales, It's Simply True.

The very first week is free, try it, I know for a fact you will swear by it as hundreds of others have and we know you will be with us for a very long time.


The only reason I know this to be true is that it's impossible not to find people talking about what it is you offer, there are simply too many people out there for it NOT to happen.


They simply don't know you, who you are, or that you can ultimately fill their particular need.  Well, let's get that part of the problem out of the way.  Let's show them who you are today.  Let's try it for a week.  Nothing to lose, you'll see extra traffic and exposure.  You'd only have yourself to blame if you didn't at least try.

I can't wait to show you what this does.  As soon as you signup I'll start working with you one on one until we find the sweet spot for the keywords, search terms and triggers that get you traffic and sales ASAP.




Ideally it's smart to start out with 5 to 10 keywords or phrases to see how many and what type of responses we're getting.  If you have specific terms you'd like to listen for let us know.  Otherwise we're going to do do keyword research and find quite a few for your industry / offer.  If it's real estate for instance, we'll listen for specific city names in association with the keyword, such as "I'm moving to San Diego soon and haven't found a place to live."  There's a few different keywords in that sentence and it'l que our automatic response that you and I agree on being sent to them in real-time.  This of course will vary from business/industry/offer and we'll talk by phone to make sure we're both on the same page prior to starting.


It's best to sign up for a shortened URL such as Googles URL shortener, In this fashion we can monitor where the clicks are coming from, which areas of the globe, and yes, this works no matter where you live in the world.  I would also suggest you sign up for a Google Voice Number that forwards to your phone.  By using either or both of these two services, you can see the results as the calls/texts start to come in, and that they are coming in from our efforts.  Keep in mind both of these 2 items are free of charge from Google.   If you'd rather us sign up for these 2 services for you just let us know.


No you don't.  We'll setup a few accounts that are not associated directly or in any way related to your business.  They can be if you specify you want that.  How this works is that when a message is sent to someone who has triggered one of your keywords/phrases, we need to send a message from an account we've already setup.  Within that message will be your URL or phone number.  So no social media site that you already have in place will ever be required or effected.  We will send it on your behalf from a neutral account we have already created.





Tel: 1-319-423-9473
PO Box 8963
Cedar Rapids, IA 52408


There are a lot of different factors in the back-end of how we set up your campaign.  The end goal is to use all of the tools we have on hand to make sure this is going to work for your business.  Contact us if you have any questions.

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